I got to watch the rather controversial documentary India’s Daughter which has been banned in our country. The documentary is based on the 2012 Delhi gang rape and murder of a physiotherapy student.
Having watched it, I can sum it up in short sentences
1.That the documentary was not one sided, rather quite wholesome in its approach. It was not just about the rapist and the victim. Every other aspect and people that mattered was touched upon in the one hour that it lasted.
2.That it passed no judgments and left it to us, viewers, how we perceive it.
3.That it is a must watch.
I could not really understand why it was banned here so I read up on the articles, comments, spoke to people and I got some really petty (in my opinion) responses:
“How could they allow a foreigner to make such a movie”? (I suppose an Indian who made the same thing makes things better and the issue more soothing?)
“I believe they paid the rapist Rs. 40,000 to do the interview” (why would he or any criminal agree to do an interview on what happened without some vested interest and how else can one get the first hand information?)
“I can’t believe they did the interview and he wasn’t even wearing his prison uniform” (I suppose a change of clothes, say maybe a suit, would also change the way he thinks!!)
And so on it went.
And through all this, there was one emotion that dominated everything - Anger.
Anger against the ban. Anger after watching the documentary (those who managed to). Anger on the regressive attitudes of some in the film. Anger about this and that or the other related to the documentary.
So let’s talk about anger.
"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not easy."- Aristotle.
After watching the documentary:
Let us get angry that basic Education is still a luxury for many people.
Let us get angry that despite growing economically in leaps and bounds, there are people still living in the most deplorable conditions.
Let us get angry that people who we are supposed to turn to for justice, the lawyers, speak without filters in their brain.
Let us get angry that the people in authority are most comfortable to brush critical issues under the carpet.
Let us get angry about alcohol abuse and the consequences.
Let us get angry about the lack of focus on what is important to bring about positive change.
Anger is not at all a negative emotion.
Used wisely, anger leads to action. After all it was anger that united people against the atrocious crime. Anger that woke up the sleepy government to act. Anger that brought about amendments in the law related to rape. Anger that said enough is enough.
Let us get angry and let us direct our anger where it is needed the most.
Nicely summed up....Yes, it is good that crowds are angry and this issue has gained momentum ...tiny drops does make a mighty ocean ....there are going to be many more struggles and efforts only then with time much needed grass root level changes in the mind-set of the masses will be seen....be it educated or uneducated ...we see it and we do hear it ......how woman is never treated the same ...it is paramount that POSITIVE CHANGE IS INCULCATED AT ALL LEVELS ...until then we all need to continue the fight with HOPE and the channelize the anger to help propel us in right direction...