Saturday, February 27, 2021


This month, I thought I’d review something different – different because I have never got food catered home from a catering outlet. Aduggemane does just that. For a very reasonable price plus delivery charges, they cater breakfast, lunch and dinner at your doorstep. First things first. Much as I love to cook, I felt I truly needed a break from it all. Sometimes people have asked me if I need a holiday and I realized yep, not the kind where I travel to exotic locations, I need a holiday right at home! On an impulse, when this advert popped up in my food group, I decided to take it up. And so began a whole two weeks of Brahmin style food delivered right to my house in the mornings- all three meals. I got to taste a variety of breakfasts ranging from idlis, dosas, akku roti, rava vangibath, and shavige bath. Lunch usually consisted of rice, sambar, rasam and curry and dinner was chapathis and curry. You can customize it however you wish so I substituted rice with extra Chapathis because I preferred the rice we cook at home. Two people could easily share a meal. Two weeks of totally chilling knowing it’s all taken care of. The food is a bit bland and not everyone’s cup of tea. Most of the food is not fried or oily – mostly steamed, just simple and nutritious. I like it that way though. Highlights through the two weeks were the variety of breakfast – EXCEPT idlis and rava idli which seemed undercooked, Chapathis were really good, soft and fresh, rava vangibath and typical iyengar style puliyogare. There were a few minus points: Some items were okayish in taste and that I could tolerate. Sometimes they used to miss packing one or two items and I could tolerate that too. The biggest thumbs down was the timing. They are in one end of the city (near sita circle) and I am in the other so the food delivery used to be really late most mornings. I mean, I finish all cooking for the day way before 9 a.m. Despite the promise of delivering by 9.30 a.m., I have received the food by 10 and even 11 times (like who has breakfast when it’s almost lunch time!!!) which is a huge no no because of having medicines and morning breakfast. Overall however, it suited me! It was just right, everything was freshly made that morning and sent and I had no bouts of throwing up or anything. I am mighty glad to have taken the much needed break and knowing that there is someone at hand ready to provide the kind of food we are accustomed to. I do plan to order on and off from them. In pic: Shavige uppitu, Bendekaayi palya, chapathi and tomato pickle (I made) Overall rating 3/5 Ratings for reviews: 1 – No! No! No! 2- Just about average. 3 –Good. Can give it a try. 4- Great!! 5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it. Contact:7892403742/9916435389