Thursday, December 24, 2020


2020 has been one big roller coaster ride. Most part involved sitting cooped indoors with nowhere to go, nothing to do and sometimes even groceries and deliveries were put on hold due to the pandemic rush or non availability of some products. There were so many little comforts that I took for granted pre pandemic - grated coconut, pre cut vegetables etc which I couldn’t lay my hands on. In the light of this plight, certain products came in so useful during this time and reduced the dependency on rushing to the store on a regular basis. Here are top five products that get my vote for this year 1. Coconut splitter from Annam Traditions: This popped up in my feed. For YEARS I was looking for an easy way to remove the flesh of the coconut from its shell which was an extremely painful procedure. I had tried so many things, graters, scrapers, freezing it, knifes and numerous tips but nothing worked. This made me resort to the readily grated coconut available at the super market. The disadvantages of this was that it was expensive, it meant planning my dishes and no impulse cooking with coconut based dishes and it wouldn’t last more than a day so I had to use it up real quick. Enter the coconut splitter from Annam traditions. This, I think, is the best blessing ever. It’s like a sharp curved knife and all I had to do is mark the coconut flesh and just scoop it out. The pieces were out in a jiffy and I could store it in the fridge and grind it whenever I liked. Thanks to this product, I made so many, many coconut based dishes in no time. Grateful for finding this during these trying times and my favorite item in the kitchen. 2. Asal Chapathis: These are perfectly shaped, half cooked thin dough. Chapathis are one dish that I find really cumbersome with all the kneading and mixing. But these are super easy to make with just a few drops of oil and take less than 10 minutes. You get six Chapathis in one pack. If I thought of making 18 Chapathis at one go a few years ago, I would have shunned the idea but now I make many Chapathis so easily. I make the curry I need and it is so, so healthy and tasty. Sometimes I simply eat it with curd and pickle. 3. Sambar powder and Curry powder from Sweet Karam Coffee: These guys are based in Chennai and till date the ONLY sambar powder worth consuming as most sambar powders have cinnamon in them that gives out a strong smell. Sambar powder from SKC is mildly flavored. Curry powder is spicy and goes with all vegetable fries – potatoes, ivy gourd, brinjals... Quite a few delicious sambar and curries were dishes out using just these two powders. 4. Adukale Mixes: Adai mix, rava pongal, gojjuavalaaki – the best mixes for that instant, no fuss breakfast. Healthy, tasty mixes that has made mornings easier when you are not in the mood for elaborate preparations for a meal. 5. Cadbury’s hot chocolate: How many nights I have been comforted by this. No need to get the right mix of cocoa powder and sugar etc. It’s all mixed. All you have to do is add hot milk and the hot chocolate powder. Tasty and soothing, it’s like a hug in a mug!! So there you go! My top five products that has come in useful and that I am most grateful for during this lockdown and have earned a permanent place at home.