Thursday, December 24, 2020


2020 has been one big roller coaster ride. Most part involved sitting cooped indoors with nowhere to go, nothing to do and sometimes even groceries and deliveries were put on hold due to the pandemic rush or non availability of some products. There were so many little comforts that I took for granted pre pandemic - grated coconut, pre cut vegetables etc which I couldn’t lay my hands on. In the light of this plight, certain products came in so useful during this time and reduced the dependency on rushing to the store on a regular basis. Here are top five products that get my vote for this year 1. Coconut splitter from Annam Traditions: This popped up in my feed. For YEARS I was looking for an easy way to remove the flesh of the coconut from its shell which was an extremely painful procedure. I had tried so many things, graters, scrapers, freezing it, knifes and numerous tips but nothing worked. This made me resort to the readily grated coconut available at the super market. The disadvantages of this was that it was expensive, it meant planning my dishes and no impulse cooking with coconut based dishes and it wouldn’t last more than a day so I had to use it up real quick. Enter the coconut splitter from Annam traditions. This, I think, is the best blessing ever. It’s like a sharp curved knife and all I had to do is mark the coconut flesh and just scoop it out. The pieces were out in a jiffy and I could store it in the fridge and grind it whenever I liked. Thanks to this product, I made so many, many coconut based dishes in no time. Grateful for finding this during these trying times and my favorite item in the kitchen. 2. Asal Chapathis: These are perfectly shaped, half cooked thin dough. Chapathis are one dish that I find really cumbersome with all the kneading and mixing. But these are super easy to make with just a few drops of oil and take less than 10 minutes. You get six Chapathis in one pack. If I thought of making 18 Chapathis at one go a few years ago, I would have shunned the idea but now I make many Chapathis so easily. I make the curry I need and it is so, so healthy and tasty. Sometimes I simply eat it with curd and pickle. 3. Sambar powder and Curry powder from Sweet Karam Coffee: These guys are based in Chennai and till date the ONLY sambar powder worth consuming as most sambar powders have cinnamon in them that gives out a strong smell. Sambar powder from SKC is mildly flavored. Curry powder is spicy and goes with all vegetable fries – potatoes, ivy gourd, brinjals... Quite a few delicious sambar and curries were dishes out using just these two powders. 4. Adukale Mixes: Adai mix, rava pongal, gojjuavalaaki – the best mixes for that instant, no fuss breakfast. Healthy, tasty mixes that has made mornings easier when you are not in the mood for elaborate preparations for a meal. 5. Cadbury’s hot chocolate: How many nights I have been comforted by this. No need to get the right mix of cocoa powder and sugar etc. It’s all mixed. All you have to do is add hot milk and the hot chocolate powder. Tasty and soothing, it’s like a hug in a mug!! So there you go! My top five products that has come in useful and that I am most grateful for during this lockdown and have earned a permanent place at home.

Sunday, November 29, 2020


This is a quick review for this month for a Vegetable Pulao I tried out – no onion, no garlic, no ginger and yet very tasty. Top ten plus points about this recipe: 1. No onion, garlic or ginger – it’s good to have satvic dishes like this once in a while. 2. Made from readily available ingredients at home. 3. I skipped the cinnamon and other spices and it was still awesome 4. Any vegetables combination would do. 5. Just under 10 minutes. 6. Tastes delicious with Raitha. 7. Hotel style – you won’t miss having it outside. 8. No elaborate cutting and chopping. 9. Quantity can be increased and decreased depending on your preference and the taste won’t change. No need to go strictly by the recipe like how some recipes demand. 10. Quick, go to recipe when you are craving for the pulao taste but not in a mood for its elaborate preparation. Recipe link Rating: 4/5 Ratings for reviews: 1 – No! No! No! 2- Just about average. 3 –Good. Can give it a try. 4- Great!! 5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

Friday, October 30, 2020


I have a thing for Chutneys, the faster I can prepare it, the better for me, especially if it is healthy and versatile and it has to go well with idli’s, dosas, rice, even act as a dip for fryums. The recipe I am about to share is perfect for it all. Most times Chutneys involve a lot of frying all the ingredients, cooling and then grinding and if it’s a vegetable based chutney, then that extra work of peeling and cutting etc. While I don’t mind going through that process when I have the interest and time, I did want something super fast, easy and tasty. After what seems to ages, I have found THE recipe that makes me want to eat the chutney by itself! And thankfully, no coconut, no peanut and just two onions!! This recipe is from a channel I keep visiting often and I’ve learnt so much from this channel, especially during the lockdown. Taste is mind blowing! I’ve added the link to the recipe and below is the written description with a slight twist. Here’s the recipe. 1. To a mixer jar, add two cubed onions, 2-3 spoonfuls of roasted gram, a tiny size of tamarind, (I added hing now) though the recipe says add it during seasoning. Grind with some water to form a paste that is of medium consistency – not too thick or thin. 2. Heat oil. Add mustard and allow it to splutter, add urad dal, a few curry leaves, a spoonful or two of red chilli powder, ground paste and fry in low flame for less than a minute. Ensure that all ingredients are mixed well and you are done! It is so, so, so tasty with dosa and idly! Finally the kind of chutney I most wanted. While I am not stingy with rating unless things are really bad, you won’t find me giving a 5/5 so easily – for either recipes tried or restaurant reviews, but this one deserves it all the way. And the reason I haven’t included a picture is because I’ve been in too much of a hurry to eat it, instead of waiting to take a pic;) Source: Namma Adige Channel. Overall rating: 5/5 Ratings for reviews: 1 – No! No! No! 2- Just about average. 3 –Good. Can give it a try. 4- Great!! 5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

Sunday, September 27, 2020


For as long as I can remember, I have always liked the tomato rice bath at the Darshini’s dotting my city and I have tried making it many a times at home too. But something was always off. Also, I was looking for a no onion, no garlic tomato rice recipe. Found one from Namma Adige channel, which by the way has some truly quick and easy recipes and I’ve had a pretty good success rate with most of them. This particular tomato rice uses the least ingredients most of which are available at home almost all times. I have been making this week after week and it has turned out perfect every time – without the raw smell of mint or tomatoes OR the strong smell of garlic and onion or ginger. These are the steps: 1. Heat oil. Add a bay leaf, little cumin/jeera seeds and about 3 to 4 finely chopped tomatoes. Fry till soft for few minutes. Add some cooked peas (this is optional but I looove peas so much so I’m quite liberal with the frozen peas) 2. Grind: little grated coconut, coriander leaves, pudina/mint leaves, cloves, elachi/cardamom, cinnamon (I skipped cinnamon completely as I don’t like the smell) grind to fine paste with water. Go easy on these ingredients. We don’t want too much masala paste. 3. To the tomatoes and peas, add red chilli powder, dhania powder, turmeric, ground masala paste and fry till the masala is well cooked. Do not over fry and make it dry. 4. Add cooked rice and salt to taste and there you go! Serve with Raitha or chips. I am including the recipe link here. The difference between my style versus the video is skipping the cinnamon, adding cooked rice instead of cooking the rice along with the paste, sometimes I don’t add garam masala because it tastes awesome with just the chilli powder and dhania powder!!. Step two is where you need to be careful. Tone down the ingredients if you don’t want to make too much. I used only quarter of the things mentioned. Too much masala and it gets tough to mix the rice in. Give this a try. It is super quick, healthy and easy and all in less than 10 minutes!! Overall rating: 4.5 Ratings for reviews: 1 – No! No! No! 2- Just about average. 3 –Good. Can give it a try. 4- Great!! 5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Ayurveda identifies SIX tastes as sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy and tart and this is meant to be a part of every meal for the meal to be complete at all levels. There’s a whole lotta information on this. While most of the cooking in India does have one to three of the combinations, it isn’t often that all the six tastes are included in every single recipe. The healthy lemon chutney that I am about to share does just that. This is once again a YouTube recipe review that I was lucky to try out.

More than using chutney as a side dish for Idlis and Dose’s , I am always on the lookout for chutneys to mix in hot rice and have something fried to go with it. This lemon Chutney is one of them. Each flavor just explodes into the mouth – the sweet from the jaggery, the sour and tart from the lemons, the bitter from the lemon skin, the spice from the red chillies and the salt from well…the salt!.
Here are the steps
1. Chop one lemon, with the seeds removed. Add a bit of turmeric and oil and mix it well. (I used regular oil though the recipe calls for coconut oil)
2. Dry roast cumin seeds and mustard seeds. Add the lemon mix, and these roasted items to the mixer jar.
3.Add fresh grated coconut, salt to taste, red chillies (depending on how spicy you want it, I added about 4)
4. Add Jaggery. Grind to a paste with water. Make sure it isn’t too fine. A coarse paste does bring out the flavors more. 5.Transfer to a bowl and pour over a seasoning of mustard, chilies and curry leaves. Seasoning can be anything you wish.

PS: I do add a pinch of asafetida(hing) to the mix sometimes. That’s it. Simple and effortless. Why am I raving about it so much? This is super easy to prepare and goes well with just about anything – I like it best with rice, but I also recently love it as a dip for fryums and chaklis:)

Source: Try it for a different flavor to your meal today or even use it as a dip! Overall rating: 4.5/5. PS: Use only one chopped lemon else it can get very bitter.

Ratings for reviews:
1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

Friday, July 31, 2020


I never thought it would come to this! Reviewing a YouTube recipe. But it would be a long time before I can dine in at any place and write reviews. So for the rest of the year, I decided to try out a new recipe from YouTube channels and write about it.
This month, I tried what is known an “Olaru Chitranna.” The Oralu is a traditional grinding stone that was common in every household. We had it too but with time and advances in technology, the mixer took over and pretty darn convenient it is too!

So here is the recipe for Oralu Chitranna without the Oralu :)

1. Grind: 1 cup fresh grated coconut, lemon sized soaked tamarind, 3 to 4 green chillies, little asafetida (hing), little cumin seeds, little jaggery, a handful of coriander leaves and a handful of curry leaves – Grind all this into a smooth paste. I had to add very, very little water which evaporates while cooking though the recipe doesn’t call for it.

2. Heat oil. Add mustard seeds, ½ tsp urad dal, channa dal, peanuts; curry leaves, ½ tsp turmeric powder, and a few green chillies. This is your seasoning.

3. Add ground masala paste to the seasoning. Mix well and add some cooked rice. Mix thoroughly and garnish with coriander leaves.


This is the link for the recipe. Or just search for Oralu Chitranna in YouTube and you’ll get the recipe.

What I did slightly different from the recipe – added a little water so it grinds better. Fried peanuts beforehand and added it along with cooked rice. Rest of the steps was the similar to the video.

Taste wise, this Chitranna was very different from the other regular ways of preparing it. The tang of the tamarind, the spice of the green chillies, the sweet of the jaggery – a blend of sweet, sour, spice, salt..It had it all. I absolutely loved it and did not feel the need for an “extra side dish” for this, though I ate it with some fresh cut cucumber slices and steamed French beans but it tastes good as it is. Besides it is prepared using everyday ingredients found in most kitchens. Will be a regular at home now. Totally worth the effort. Overall rating 4.5/5

Ratings for reviews:
1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

Friday, June 12, 2020


With Restaurants closed due to the lockdown in my city, a lot of food that I usually love to eat or order in was stopped….which was actually a good thing as it brought out my cooking talents like never before. I experimented with a lot of recipes – from chaat to bakery style toasts, to temple style puliyogare to restaurant style Manchurians to burgers and pizzas and hardly missed eating out as most of the food that I ate out were made at home and what’s more it was healthier! The one food I could not replicate was the dosa.

I craved dosa like nothing else so as soon as the restrictions were lifted and an ad popped up on a site about home delivery of Mulbagal dosa, I thought I’d try it. At times like this, where eating out is risky, this was such a welcome relief and the taste just like home made food.

Originally from Mulbagilu, a place in Karnataka, what is special about this dosa is that the batter is different, cast iron tava is used, chutney is different, cooked only one side, and made with pure ghee.

My craving was actually for masala dosa and set dosa and this seemed like a combination of the two – crispy and fluffy at the same time. Taste was good and long after you’ve eaten the dosa, the smell of ghee on your hand still lingers on. The palya or stuffing inside the dosa was filled with onions and seasoning. I found it a bit salty. I really missed more potatoes in it like the generous potato stuffing in the regular dosa.

The dosa was ordered and delivered promptly. Service was top notch, came at the promised time and well packed and enough messages to alert you that your order is on the way! These guys use mineral water to prepare the batter and all hygiene precautions were followed. A video of the preparation was sent. Minimum order was five dosas @Rs. 50 per dosa plus delivery charges – a tad much but it was worth it to experience something different.

So anytime you are in a mood to move away from the regular dosa, and don’t feel like making breakfast call Praveen on 88674 97289 and place your order a day in advance. You just might be glad you did:)

PS: They undertake party orders too with live counters.

Overall rating 4/5

Ratings for reviews:
1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

Thursday, May 28, 2020


Unlike most people in my city, who eagerly wait for the mango season and binge on them during the hot summers, I don’t like mangoes. I don’t even like cheesecake that much. So what am I doing ordering a mango cheesecake and actually writing a review on it here?

Well, for one due to the current situation I cannot go out and write a restaurant review so I am reviewing a food product instead. Two, this is my eleventh cake from Amintiri, yes ELEVENTH, each one has been better than the other. Three, the pictures on their website was so drool worthy that even non mango fans would want to taste it. I am loyal to chocolate, my all time favorite, but just this once, I thought I’d try something different.

The cake came in their usual elegant, classy box, promptly delivered as usual. The base of the cake is a layer of crumbled biscuit, middle of the cake was cream cheese and decorated with the thinnest slices of sweet alphonso mangoes on top. It was just the right amount of sweet, not the sickeningly sweet ones you get sometimes, and was cool, fresh, delicious and totally melts in the mouth.

Did I like it? I finished the whole cake in one day. Yep. The entire cake. It was the only meal I had for the day so that speaks for itself.

If I were asked for a second round, I might give it a miss though because my heart belongs to chocolate and while it’s a tad expensive, I have absolutely no regrets.

Unlike Amintiri’s cake loaves, with these celebration cakes, be sure to eat just how much you want and store away the rest if you are full… as keeping it out even for a little while turns it into a gooey mess and then you’ll have to drink it up!

If you are a fan of mangoes and like to eat desserts made from the king of fruits, go ahead order and indulge from

Overall rating 4/5

Ratings for reviews:
1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.


Monday, April 27, 2020


In this lockdown period I thought I might have to miss out on my monthly review of a food place. While I could not physically go out and eat someplace and review the service, ambience etc, AMINTIRI popped up in my feed and the pictures of the cakes were drool worthy. So I ordered a few online and I have to say they were worth writing about!

Looked them up and realized they are in multiple locations and decided to write my experience.

Out of the collection of choux pastry, celebration cakes and cake loaves, I decided to go for the cake loaves.

First order was the chocolate fudge cake – This decided my further orders. The easy process of choosing date and time and the prompt delivery clinched it. They delivered at the exact time mentioned. The cake comes in a beautiful box with a strong base to hold and cut it…very good packaging. Cake was.. oh so gooey and soft and melt in the mouth divine experience! I got to the website even before I could finish this one.

Second order was:

Cookie dough cake: This was different and reminds me of a sponge cake. Less impressive.

Hazelnut, dark chocolate and fig: This is really blissful! Looks great and tastes great – rectangle loaf topped with nuts and dark chocolate and so, so fresh! Must try.

Cakes are a tad expensive but worth it. I liked eating them. I liked how good they tasted. I liked how comforting it is. And I liked the normalcy of it all during these uncertain times.

I plan to order from their other collections and next in line is the lemon cake and black satin. Calorie rich but as they say,


Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Ratings for reviews:

1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

In pics: Hazelnut, dark chocolate and fig. Cookie dough cake

Thursday, March 26, 2020


I was thinking of going some place grand this month of March for writing a review, but then the first rumors of the lockdown for COVID had already begun – this was at a stage where every eatery was open and people were moving around before it got aggressive. I couldn’t sit down and eat there. It is not very spacious as is the case with most darshinis, but I ordered a takeaway of the south Indian tiffin combo and puris.

I have been partial to combos in any meal – where one gets to taste something of everything at a reasonable price. I think most places should introduce this concept! The South Indian combo has a mini masala dosa, idli, khara bhath, kesari bhath and a vada – pretty cool. I liked all the items in the menu. I had some immediately and some hours later and it was still as fresh. The chutney, the one thing I am very fussy about in restaurants was very, very tasty! My mother liked the puris. They do have quite an extensive menu when I glanced through it. Service is fast. Prices are reasonable. It is still relatively new and not even up on the food websites as yet though they seem to have a lot of outlets across Bangalore.

This is a short review as I dint want to go a month without writing one. Given how fresh and tasty all the items were, I plan to go there definitely when better days are here. Fingers crossed..and toes!!.

Overall rating 4/5

Ratings for reviews:
1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

Address: Indiranagar Opp Raghavendra swamy mutt. Bangalore.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Regardless of how busy I am, I make it a point to review at least one food place per month. After attempting to review two places in commercial street where I walked out even before I could sit down due to poor reception, I decided to review this newly opened place in Double road, Indiranagar- Milky Way Ice creams and Fast Food.

The place when I visited it was just 10 days old and renovation work was still going on, meaning stepping over wires that were around, and dealing with drilling and dust but it has a cheery feel to it. I specially loved the wall paper which says Best Day Ever. I could do with that in my room.

The place is small though that didn’t stop people from walking in. They have a pretty good menu to choose from - short eats to maggi and of course shakes and ice creams.

I started with the lemon pepper maggi – which I found a bit sour. Too much lemon I guess.

Followed by chilli garlic fries -fries were done well.

And the kit kat milk shake which was so cool and refreshing! I really loved this and would go back just to have it again.

Food is served in cardboard/ disposable plates and it was served to me on a rather wobbly table (this needs fixing).

Service, despite it all, was very warm and welcoming. Prices are reasonable. They have non vegetarian options too in sandwiches and maggi. Good place to grab a quick bite and when the sweet cravings hit.

This place needs to be spruced up and there is a lot of scope for improvement. Salt and pepper shakes at the tables, Sturdy tables, Clean up the front space (outdoor seating area) and so on…but it’s just been 10 days so I’ll wait and watch. I rarely review a place twice, but I plan to go back to try out their other ice creams and shakes and also to see how the place has improved. Looks like they may need to expand.

Overall rating: 3/5 – taking the mid path here because so far it’s neither too good or too bad. I still have to give it a fair try.

Ratings for reviews:

1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.

Address: Indiranagar double road, below Annapoorani, Idiranagar, Bangalore .
Contact: 9880015540
Timings: 12 noon – 12 midnight

Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Starting this year’s review on a sweet note – Magnolia Bakery – Cake heaven in 12th Main, Indiranagar. I’m keeping this short and sweet.

What I Had:

(Some at the bakery and some as takeaway)
1. Lemon Bar - Good
2. Chocolate dipped strawberry cupcake - Good
3. White chocolate macadamia nuts cheese cake- Different and Delicious
4. Key lime Icebox bar – I liked this best
5. Eggless chocolate cake – Good.


1. Well done with soft lights. Cakes on Display are a visual treat.
2. Clean
3. Best cake options to choose from a variety on display.
4. Delicious.
5. Friendly staff
6. Fast Billing
7. Serves coffee
8. On the pricey side. Great for those who have a sweet tooth.


1. HAS TO EXPAND AND GET A BIGGER PLACE!! It’s packed and so cramped. I can’t believe people stand in long queues for a cake!!
2. Go easy on the sugar.
3. Pack the cakes in the boxes better.
4. Add some savory snacks too and it’ll be an even bigger hit!

I had to binge on spicy masala puri to get over the sweet overdose.

Would I go back again? Yes, to taste their other varieties of cake though mostly takeaway for now.

Overall rating: 4/5

Ratings for reviews:

1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.


Address: 788, JK Plaza, 12th Main Road, Indiranagar, Bangalore .
Contact: 080 48667700
Timings: 12 to 11 pm