Friday, October 9, 2015


Killers fascinate me. Not the kind who kill impulsively in a fit of rage or in an inebriated state or for revenge. I am talking about the kinds who kill just because.

Killers who look so ordinary and non descript – the kind you might be sitting next to on a bus or train, the kind who could be your next door neighbor or a colleague, who look harmless and conduct themselves as warm, decent,friendly individuals. They could have everything going for them. Yet they make killing a hobby because for them, killing is fun.

Theodore Robert Bundy or Ted Bundy is one of them.

Ted Bundy – described as the perfect son, the perfect student, the boy scout grown into adulthood, a genius, as handsome as a movie idol, a sensitive psychiatric social worker, a budding lawyer, a trusted friend, a young man for whom the future could surely only hold success.

Ted Bundy – Serial killer rapist who killed at least 30 women brutally and believed to have killed close to 100 or more - only he knew the real number, a master manipulator, sadistic monster, pathological liar, sometimes killing and gravely injuring up to five women in a matter of minutes, luring a woman by playing the role of an injured man needing help.. killing her and then returning to the same spot and luring yet another to do the same and succeeding!! Easily described as one of the most terrifying humans to walk on this earth.

Written by the queen of true crime stories, author Ann Rule’s book “The stranger beside me” traces the life of Ted Bundy right from his birth, family background, career as a student, as a co worker working right beside Ann Rule, saving lives of those in danger in a crisis hotline center to all the killings he has committed and leading right up to his trial and his death on the electric chair (Thank you god!).

The Judge's final words to Ted Bundy after sentencing....

"It is ordered that you be put to death by a current of electricity that current be passed through your body until you are dead. Take care of yourself, young man. I say that to you sincerely; take care of yourself, please. It is an utter tragedy for this court to see such a total waste of humanity as I've experienced in this courtroom. You're a bright young man. You'd have made a good lawyer, and I would have loved to have you practice in front of me, but you went another way, partner.

So who is the real Ted Bundy who evoked such words from the judge himself? What made him go on a killing spree when he had it all? What were author Ann rule’s feelings and experience working with Ted Bundy in late night shifts at the crisis center and all her interactions with him after that? How could he save lives, his voice warm and reassuring at the crisis center and yet commit such horrific crimes himself?

The book starts with some information on how it all started for Ann Rule to be writing about Ted Bundy. Moving on to frequently asked questions about Ted Bundy, to Ann’s own experience at the Seattle crisis hot line center with Ted as her close friend and confidant, and then starts the life (and death) story of Theodore Robert Bundy with updates twenty years later.

WHAAATTT?? OH MY GOD!! NOOOOO!!CREEP ALERT! REALLY??!! SHOCKING! I AM CHILLED TO THE BONE! SHIVERRRRRR!! ARE MY DOORS DOUBLE LOCKED? AND FINALLY, I CANT GO TO SLEEP!! are some of the very few feelings I experienced in turns as stayed up reading late until the wee hours of the morning unable to put down the book. If I had to put it all in one word for me, the book (updated 20th Anniversary Version) is flawless. No detail has been left out.

It is like a beautiful embroidery work. The various sequence of events are threaded without a stitch out of place and the final picture is worthy of admiration with thumbs up for the extensive research, minute detailing and straight from the heart perspectives. What’s more, unlike other of Ann Rule books which are more about the killer, this one is all the more fascinating being autobiographical in content because she was Ted Bundy’s close friend and yet had absolutely no clue about the savage killer behind the oh – so- charming mask and boy! when she finally found out…… read the book to find out more;) Sleepless night guaranteed.

Warning: Not for the faint hearted.

Rating: 5/5.

Why?: I’ve read almost all her books and loved them. Unlike her other books however, I dint just read it and leave it at that. “The Stranger beside me” not only had me hooked, but post reading the book, I wanted to know more. I went on the internet, read up a lot about Ted Bundy, about Ann Rule, watched his videos, parts of the trial, his last interview before his execution and was inspired enough to write in my blog about it. That, to me, is a benchmark of a good book:)

Ratings: Ratings for reviews:

1 – No! No! No!
2- Just about average.
3 –Good. Can give it a try.
4- Great!!
5 – Yes! Yes! Yes! And I’ll tell all about it.